Thank you for visiting my web page, I hope you find it useful. Please feel free to contact me with questions or sugestions about how I can make this site more useful for you.


Mrs. Angie


Office Phone: 916-962-3247 


 "I want to know God's thoughts;  the rest are details." -Albert Einstein

About Me

I absolutely love the process of learning, which is exactly why I am a teacher! I believe learning should be interesting and fun. My favorite subject to teach is science! I love science, because there is so much to explore. The more I learn, the more I understand I have so much to learn. Plus, you can get messy when you do science, which I like to do!

I have been married for eighteen years and absolutely love and admire my husband, Adam. He is a great man and my best friend! I have three children who bring me the greatest joy in life. Lauren is 14, Mason is 11 and Eden is 4. I enjoy reading! Biographies are my favorite. I also enjoy running with my dog Davinci who is a doberman. We train for marathons together. I love playing sports and I am very competitive.


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